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Speed: 12 | Glide: 5 | Turn: -1 | Fade: 3


TONE is a new technology from Clash Discs. The bottom of the rim is made of the stiffer plastic, which makes the disc very torque resistant. The top of the disc is a very grippy premium plastic mixture, which guarantees the best possible feel when throwing in any conditions. This combines the best properties of two different plastics in a completely new way with 3-dimensional appearance, giving it an unique visual appeal while enhancing disc performance!


The Salt is a distance driver for advanced players. We designed the disc to be one of the furthers flying discs without sacrificing control. It has a slight high speed turn that makes it the perfect disc for those maximum distance drives off the tee. A true workhorse.

Clash Discs Tone Salt Overstable Distance Driver

$30.00 Regular Price
$28.00Sale Price
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