Speed: 5 | Glide: 4 | Turn: 0 | Fade: 3 |
Ledgestone 2023 Edtion.
It's impossible to get a listing for every different Dye pattern, so I've done my best to list all the variations! Your disc will be close, but might not be exact to the photo!
The perfect complement to your Buzzz. When you're facing a headwind, need a straight shot with a hard finish, or want to use a forehand throw, Buzzz OS delivers success. Plus it's beadless; it feels like a Buzzz in your hand, lending a familiar confidence that comes with the Buzzz family of discs.
Discraft Ledgestone '23 Fly Dye Buzzz OS Overstable Midrange
$15.00 Regular Price
$14.00Sale Price